Had A Conversation With Your Larynx Lately?

Had A Conversation With Your Larynx Lately?

Had A Conversation With Your Larynx Lately? Maybe it’s time you did.  Why?  Because many of us forget that there are a number of physical and acoustical processes that make singing possible.  One the the key players is the larynx, and the closer you two become the better, and more consistent your singing will be….


Do You Want to Sing Better This Year Than Last Year?

If You Want to Sing, SING! But beware! Muscles have Memory. Your muscles will memorize what you’re doing—right or wrong. So, I suggest that you do the following:: Make Some Deliberate Plans Don’t get stuck in the rut of just thinking about and wanting to sing.  You don’t have to know the entire path from…

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GETTING THE MOST OUT OF YOUR VOCAL  PRACTICE Your Body Soul & Spirit are involved when you use your voice.  None of the three can be force-fed, and all are more receptive and effective when you take a few minutes to prepare your practice and rehearsal times. As You Prepare to Practice Consider These Principles…