Is Your Vocal Technique on Shaky Ground? Fix Common Singing Problems with These Tips

Group of 4 singers with microphone loudly straining their voices

Do You Battle Any Of These Problems With Your Voice?

  • A tired voice that aches and feels fatigued?
  • Running out of breath and having to grab air at awkward places in the song?
  • Having to push and sometimes practically yell the big, high notes?
  • Losing the low register after you’ve been singing high notes?
  • Not really being sure of the sound that’s going to come out until you’re actually singing?

Try These Tips to Fix your Vocal Foundation:

1. Voice Fatigue:

A tired voice not so much about overuse as it is due to a combination of incorrect speaking habits during the day and neglecting to properly care for your singing voice. It is important to keep your vocal cords hydrated and to warm up before, and cool down after, singing. Consistent vocal care and proper warm-up routines can make a significant difference in how your voice feels and performs. If you take care of your singing voice, it will take care of you.

2. Poor Breath Control:

Poor breath control is a common issue that undermines everything you do vocally. Improving your breath management is essential for consistent and controlled singing technique. Start by exploring our free Vocal Coach Breathe collection in the Vocal Coach Singer app, where you can learn to improve your singing voice through better breathing. Vocal Coach Breathe also includes targeted exercises to strengthen your breath control. Download Vocal Coach Breathe for free on the App Store.

3. Reaching for Notes:

If you find yourself straining to hit high notes, it means you haven’t yet discovered how to allow your voice to move naturally into the higher register. Start by fine-tuning your posture and breathing (see #2) and then work with the Vocal Coach Workout collection. This will help you learn the joy of soaring throughout your range with a consistent tone quality. Stop over-driving your voice and start releasing its freedom—you, and your listeners, will be happier.

4. Losing Low Notes:

Have you ever noticed that the solid low notes you started with suddenly disappear after singing high notes? This happens because your vocal folds are “set and positioned” for higher frequencies. To reclaim your lower notes, make sure you always warm up and vocalize throughout your range, regularly returning to your lower speaking register. Incorporate these into your routine with the Vocal Coach Skills collection, which includes Range and Performance training to help you maintain a balanced and connected vocal range.

5. Knowing What You Will Sound Like:

One of the joys of regular vocal training is knowing what you will sound like before you sing. Muscle memory and experience are key to achieving this confidence. Investing the time, resources, and effort to make your voice its best is a worthwhile goal. Regular practice with the Vocal Coach Singer app can help you develop this assurance.

Good Singers Find the Problem, Fix the Foundations & Enjoy Singing More

Each of the vocal challenges discussed—whether it’s dealing with vocal fatigue, struggling with breath control, straining, losing your low register, or uncertain vocal performance—can be effectively addressed with the right tools and techniques. The Vocal Coach Singer app offers a comprehensive solution through its specialized collections:

  • Vocal Coach Breathe: Improve breath management with targeted exercises, ensuring you have the control needed to support your voice.
  • Vocal Coach Workout: Strengthen your overall technique and prevent vocal fatigue with daily vocal exercises designed to build stamina and consistency across your range.
  • Vocal Coach Skills: Navigate your entire vocal range with confidence and ease, whether you’re tackling high or low notes.
  • Vocal Coach Harmony: Maintain vocal blend and unity, even when performing in groups or leading worship.

By integrating these resources into your practice routine, you can rebuild your vocal foundations and achieve the voice you’ve always wanted. Explore the Vocal Coach Singer app on the App Store and take the next step in your vocal journey.

Free! Vocal Coach Breathe

If you’re struggling with breath control or reaching those high notes, start with Vocal Coach Breathe—our free collection in the Vocal Coach Singer app. Discover the essential principles of breathing and breath management to improve your vocal stamina and gain more consistent control of your voice. Download the app today and get started with Vocal Coach Breathe for free!

FREE! Vocal Coach Breathe

Learn the proper principles of breathing and breath management with best-selling Vocal Coach Breathe collection, in the Vocal Coach Singer app. Establish a daily voice-building routine, increase overall stamina, and gain more consistent control.